Privacy Policy

The purpose of this document is to give you, in a simple and intuitive form, all necessary and useful information so that you can provide your Personal Data in an aware and informed manner and, at any time, request and obtain clarification and/or corrections, in full compliance with the safeguards and rights recognised by the new General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

About us

Your data is administered by Logos SpA and by its subsidiaries (Logos Group).
The data is stored at the registered offices of Logos: Strada Curtatona 5/2 - 41126 Modena.

Personal data collected by us and why

Personal data provided voluntarily by the user
Visitors to the website

Contact Form

Data requested: name, surname, e-mail, company name, telephone, full address, sector
Optional: registration for newsletter
The data collected is not used for other purposes and is not communicated to third parties.

Call Request Form

Data requested: name, surname, e-mail, company name, telephone, full address
The data collected is not used for other purposes and is not communicated to third parties.

Quotation Request Form

Data requested: name, surname, e-mail, company name, sector, telephone, full address
The data collected is not used for other purposes and is not communicated to third parties.


The portal only uses technical and propriety (Matomo/Piwik) cookies. Only technical cookies are activated.


Customer and supplier portal

Data requested: name, surname, e-mail, company name, telephone, full address, administrative data needed in order to manage invoicing and payments.
Optional: Curriculum Vitae
We store the personal information included in your user profile at the time of registration.
The administrators of the website are able to see and amend this information.
All browsing data is encrypted.
The data collected is not used for other purposes and is not communicated to third parties.

Browsing Data

The IT systems and software procedures dedicated to the functioning of this website collect, as part of normal operations, certain personal data whose transmission is inherent to the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected for association with identified data subjects, but given its nature it could, via processing and association with data held by third parties, enable users to be identified. This category of data includes, for example:
• the IP addresses or domain names of the computers and other devices used by the persons who visit the website;
• the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the resources requested and any related time stamps;
• parameters relating to the operating system and IT environment of the user;
• web page the user arrives from and leaves for;
• browsing information and identifiable behaviour while viewing the pages of the website;

This data is used by us to process visit statistics and check the security and functioning of the website. The data is not communicated to third parties, but might be used by the competent authorities to determine responsibilities in the hypothetical case of IT crimes detrimental to the website.
The server logs are retained for the period required by law, being at least 180 days.


In order to improve the services provided, Logos Group seeks to understand the habits and interests of its visitors. Matomo (Piwik), an open source system, is used to collect this data and store it on our servers, without transferring it to third parties.
Consistent with the European regulations on the protection of personal data (GDPR) and the authorisation to use cookies, Matomo (Piwik) allows:
• the IP addresses of visitors to be rendered anonymous;
• compliance with the DoNotTrack preference transmitted by browsers;
• visitors to register a DoNotTrack preference for their visits to the website (opt-out).

The Matomo system used by Logos Group is configured in conformity with the data protection regulations. All data is stored in protected areas of the servers.
After processing, the data collected is erased, while the related analyses are retained for a maximum period of 2 years.

The customer and supplier portal collects information on user logins and on access to the various sections of the portal. This data is used to monitor security, guarantee the effectiveness of the service provide and understand the preferences of visitors. The data is not shared with third parties.

Duration of storage of your data

The log files that contain browsing data are stored for 180 days.
The analyses of browsing are stored for 2 years.


All data is stored on servers owned by Logos Spa, protected and monitored constantly. It is not shared with third parties. The web pages containing sensitive data are encrypted. The servers are located in Italy.
Your rights regarding your data
If you have an account on one of our websites, you can request a file containing your personal data held by us, including the data you have provided to us.
You can also request us to erase all your personal data. This does not include the data that we are required to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Who to contact?

For all matters related to the processing of your Personal Data, you can contact us in writing at the following e-mail address:
You can read the latest version of the privacy information by clicking on the following link:

Privacy information, version 24-05-2018